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The challenging part for the Clippers is that they are making a big push to sell tickets to the Intuit Dome next season. Short of a championship, you need big name players to justify the ticket prices. If you let PG walk, will Kawhi & Harden be enough to sell out games?


Clipp fans love stars but are coming to the realization that we simply want to see good basketball instead of pumping up names, brands, and slogans. I do think PG resigns with the Clipps tho


It's less about the Clippers fans and more about the big companies and rich people that they are trying to sell seats to


He would be a great 3rd option to Brunson and Randle


randle wouldn’t be the 2nd option


No he definitely would not and may even be traded if they got PG. That’s not saying Randle is a bum or something it’s about understanding how these things work.


Pair him up with Jimmy and Bam and we’re champions



Your cap sheet is already fucked, and Jimmy Butler will be a high milage 36 y/o making $50M next season.

Good luck with that.


They will be under the first apron by 7 million. Super unlikely but they have enough space to do a sign and trade


A return to the thunder perhaps or a go at the Knicks or phili since they are east teams? This will be interesting.


That’d be crazy if he goes back to OKC while the Clippers still owe them picks and pick swaps for PG



Wouldn’t be any crazier than what the cavs and Rubio did.

Would be comical.


He doesn’t deserve a max contract in big 2024 dude is 33 and already noticeably worse than his prime man


player like gordon hayword getting 33M lafmao. he can get easily 45M. problem is he will not get 45M on contendor teams.


His skills is still elite,but he’s just inconsistent


if the clippers don’t get it done this year ( which they won’t” I think they break up 🤷‍️


I would sell my soul for this


Bro just need to stay home. Take a lil discount like Kawhi. Bring up some young guys and help get them ready.


He’s not looking for a max stop pushing these be narratives he already said he’s a B to kawhi and kawhi ain’t get the max so why would you think he wants the max. Quit chattin he’s gonna be a clipper


There are ZERO teams willing to pay him the max. If he wins the finals and gets finals mvp then maybe..

北京时间3月20日,TA知名记者John Hollinger在其个人的专栏中谈到了快船队中的保罗-乔治。Hollinger表示:“如果现在有一份顶薪合同摆在他(乔治)面前,他会马上签下它。而目前在东部,几支薪资空间充裕的球队正在密切关注着他(乔治)。”值得一提的是,目前有资格与快船达成提前续约的乔治仍未能与快船就新合同达成一致,他可以在今年夏天跳出球员选项,成为一名不受限制的自由球员。



The challenging part for the Clippers is that they are making a big push to sell tickets to the Intuit Dome next season. Short of a championship, you need big name players to justify the ticket prices. If you let PG walk, will Kawhi & Harden be enough to sell out games?


Clipp fans love stars but are coming to the realization that we simply want to see good basketball instead of pumping up names, brands, and slogans. I do think PG resigns with the Clipps tho


It's less about the Clippers fans and more about the big companies and rich people that they are trying to sell seats to


He would be a great 3rd option to Brunson and Randle


randle wouldn’t be the 2nd option


No he definitely would not and may even be traded if they got PG. That’s not saying Randle is a bum or something it’s about understanding how these things work.


Pair him up with Jimmy and Bam and we’re champions



Your cap sheet is already fucked, and Jimmy Butler will be a high milage 36 y/o making $50M next season.

Good luck with that.


They will be under the first apron by 7 million. Super unlikely but they have enough space to do a sign and trade


A return to the thunder perhaps or a go at the Knicks or phili since they are east teams? This will be interesting.


That’d be crazy if he goes back to OKC while the Clippers still owe them picks and pick swaps for PG



Wouldn’t be any crazier than what the cavs and Rubio did.

Would be comical.


He doesn’t deserve a max contract in big 2024 dude is 33 and already noticeably worse than his prime man


player like gordon hayword getting 33M lafmao. he can get easily 45M. problem is he will not get 45M on contendor teams.


His skills is still elite,but he’s just inconsistent


if the clippers don’t get it done this year ( which they won’t” I think they break up 🤷‍️


I would sell my soul for this


Bro just need to stay home. Take a lil discount like Kawhi. Bring up some young guys and help get them ready.


He’s not looking for a max stop pushing these be narratives he already said he’s a B to kawhi and kawhi ain’t get the max so why would you think he wants the max. Quit chattin he’s gonna be a clipper


There are ZERO teams willing to pay him the max. If he wins the finals and gets finals mvp then maybe..
